Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Good News from Liberty Reserve

Good news from Liberty Reserve admin...I take from Liberty Reserve's Blog...
Below This statements :

Dear friends,

Here are some new and exciting updated that are coming up shortly:

- Version 3.0 of our Web Site that will feature additional options
for your convenience, streamlined logistics and friendlier

- Phone support is available for compliance department (regarding all issues
with verification of exchangers) and direct phone support for
exchangers is available now as well. Customer phone support is scheduled
to become available later this year and will be available to every
registered Liberty Reserve user.

- Live support will be available at least 8 hours per day, every day, which will extend to
24/7 before this year's end.

- Company history, short employee bios and pictures will become
available with the next release of Liberty Reserve software (3.0),
along with detailed company registration and full compliance

- New account types, and new VIP services will become available
after July 15th, of this year. Selected qualifying customers will enjoy
more personal service with added bonuses and discounts worldwide.

- Also, starting from July or August all exchange providers and
merchants, as long as VIP customers are welcome to come by our
offices and meet the people that make everything happen, as well
as, enjoy the Costa Rica and everything this wonderful country
has to offer.

Rest assured that Liberty Reserve will continue to stand out and
lead the way with its professionalism, team of highly skilled and
responsible employees and will continue to deliver on every
expectation you may have. Our commitment to you is to always keep
you informed, to provide the most secure, feature rich and private
environment to conduct your on-line business affairs, and, most
importantly to show the power and effect an electronic currency can have
in every day life.

From all of us at Liberty Reserve -
best of luck and a special thank you goes to our members,
exchangers, merchants and everyone else who stood by our side.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

LibertyReserve Under Ddos Attack

LibertyReserve Under Ddos Attack!

Now I cannot acces libertyreserve sites. In Libertyreserve's blog explained about this. Here that statements :

"Unscheduled Outage

Dear mebers!

Out site is currently subjected to a massive ddos attack. We are taking measures to rectify the situation and will be back as soon as we are ready. We apologize for any inconvenience during this unplanned outage.

All best."